I don't believe there is such a state in the human psyche as writer's block. Somebody just gave a bad name to their intense feelings. It has become a weary cliché. Using that label produces phantom anxiety much like the pain of a severed limb. It's not real. It's not a psychological diagnosis. It doesn't help. It's a self-made trap. Usually that feeling, or intuition, is your mind and body telling you it needs rest and time for the tangle of thoughts to resolve, settle into place and create meaning. It calls for disengaging the busy mind. The feeling longs for acceptance of rest in our work-oriented, success-driven, manic culture. The intensity can only be relieved by acceptance. That doesn't mean liking that state. But acceptance does not require an attitude of favor. The alternative, fighting and resisting, only makes it worse and prolongs the lack of resolution. Thinking doesn't accompany fighting. There is no known cure. The only remedy is acceptance and appreciation. It's a more self-aware state.